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My Four Favourite Stories On Medium This Past Month

Top reads for January 2023

I can spend several hours a day reading stories on Medium , diligently clicking through the (many) open tabs in my browser.

I can find reading on Medium easier than reading a novel although, since my previous post about (my struggles with) reading, I have managed to read novels again (hooray!).

I find most of my reading material via my Medium Daily Digest email and from the ‘more from Medium’ sidebar. If someone follows me, I’ll check out their stories.

Here are four stories of the best stories I read this month (Jan 2023).

And her conclusion that:

This story was a ‘hit’ with readers, with one commenting that:

I can only agree wholeheartedly with that comment!

I added this story to my reading list: home of my absolute favourite reads, stories I might like to share and re-read.

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